Coordinating Body

The Coordinating Body plans, recommends, and coordinates the work and programs of the presbytery. Its responsibilities include:

- Leading presbytery in setting broad, overall goals and priorities.
- Providing leadership through proposals and/or recommendations to the presbytery as well as its divisions and committees.
- Serving as trustees and legal officers of the presbytery.
- Handling matters referred to it by presbytery.
- Approving proposed plans for presbytery meetings and preparing/ distributing the docket prior to each meeting of the presbytery.
- Coordinating the program and mission of the presbytery.
- Overseeing personnel functions of presbytery through the Personnel Committee.
- Coordinating the communication between presbytery and its committees/divisions.
- Receiving and approving the annual mission budget and presenting the budget as information to the presbytery.
- Bringing recommendations for approval of administrative commissions to presbytery as needed.
- Making recommendations to presbytery regarding changes in the standing rules and Manual of Operations of the presbytery.
Forms and Publications
- A Commitment to Gracious Inclusiveness
- Addendum and Proposal to Supplement the Gracious Dismissal Policy
- Corporate Bylaws and Presbytery Manual
- Child and Youth Protection Policy
- Gracious Dismisal Policy
- Passion Driven Ministry Grant
- Organization Chart
- Records Retention Schedule for Congregations
- Sale Lease Church Property