Racial Equity Team

Purpose and Vision
- Enlarge our capacity to talk openly and honestly about difficult issues related to race
- Develop skills in building authentic relationships across racial, ethnic and cultural differences such that we expand our capacity to work to end racism
- Explore the history of Christianity and the Presbyterian Church (USA) through a diversity lens such that we understand the true cost of structural racism throughout the millennia
- Envision what our communities and congregations would look and feel like as truly diverse and inclusive institutions
- Commit to taking actions led by God’s word, when faced with opportunities to call out structural racism and offer alternatives
Past Events
November 12, 2020
Race Is Nothing: Race Is Everything
August 18, 2020
Is This Conversation Necessary? A Moderated Forum
- Institutional Antiracism Assessment
- Talking About Race: National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Smithsonian Institute
- PC(USA) Racial Equity Resources
- Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources (choose the best place to start based on where you are in the conversation)
- Why Black Christians are bracing for a ‘whitelash,’ cnn.com
- Behind Christianity Today’s editorial is a deeper crisis of America’s religion of whiteness, Religion News Service
- Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing
- 1619 Podcast from the New York Times
- A Racial Equity Glossary
- Being Antiracist: National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Smithsonian Institute