New Hope Presbytery


There are three ways to give: Per Capita, The New Hope Foundation, and Special Offerings of the PCUSA.

Per Capita

In essence, per capita is a set amount of money (apportionment) per member

that congregations pay to the larger Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Every Presbyterian shares in the benefit of the PC(USA)’s system of government, so every Presbyterian is asked to share the expenses associated with coordinating and performing the functions of that system.

Per capita exists as a way for all Presbyterians to share costs that belong to the whole church, to give meaning to the interdependent nature Presbyterian polity. Per capita is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together. It exists to allow the whole church to share equitably in those things that make us Presbyterian.

The Presbytery of New Hope makes asking requests based on the benevolent giving of its member congregations and ministries. Through these connectional contributions, the Presbytery of New Hope participates in the per capita giving through the Synod of the Mid Atlantic and the PCUSA.

Read more about per capita from the Office of the General Assembly

The New Hope Foundation

An endowment is a gift of a portion of a person’s life that will eternally keep the light of God alive in the world.


Goals & Objectives

Many Presbyterians are extending their stewardship beyond their lifetime with gifts to the church of a part of the assets they have accumulated.

Listed below are existing endowments that are already set-up and funded:

Listed below are suggestions of how people can give:

The advantages of a will and the reasons for making one are compelling: A will guarantees that your assets will be distributed exactly as you want rather than distributed at the discretion of the state. The well-being of your loved ones will be assured, and the causes that mean the most to you can be supported.

A donor can designate a portion of life insurance, IRA, or mutual funds to provide a gift for a donor’s mission interest; donor has to execute a ‘change of beneficiary’ form.

Donors should consult legal advice when formulating a charitable gift; and consult the Presbytery office or your church about receiving the gift.

Christians literally “make memories” when they remember the work of the church in their wills and through their bequests.


The Presbytery of The New Hope Foundation is administered by the Finance and Property Committee. For information on applying for funding from the existing endowments, please contact The Presbytery of New Hope office.

Special Offerings of the PCUSA

The PC(USA)’s four church-wide Special Offerings help share Christ's love with millions of people around the world.

The four annual offerings are:
These offerings have an incredible local impact on the missions and ministries of our presbytery and its churches!