Who We Are
From Efland to the Outer Banks, spanning 34 counties, with 111 congregations, three New Worshipping Communities, representing 23,457 members, we are a Mid-Council of the Presbyterian Church (USA) serving eastern North Carolina.
Working Mission Statement
The Presbytery of New Hope’s mission is to build relationships, equip and serve together as the body of Christ with congregations and communities to move all toward God’s vision of love, justice, hope and peace.
Working Vision Statement
The Presbytery of New Hope envisions spirit-led leaders, ministers and congregations that work together and are vital to the most vulnerable across their communities while performing ordinary acts of compassion and spreading the good news of God’s righteousness, justice and peace for all.
We are a Matthew 25 Presbytery
We joined this PCUSA movement in 2020, making a commitment to embrace these areas of focus:
- Building congregational vitality
- Dismantling structural racism
- Eradicating systemic poverty
Presently, 18 congregations in the Presbytery of New Hope are Matthew 25 churches.

Our Working Core Values
- Become and form disciples by putting on the heart of Christ to address social issues.
- Evangelize by showing Christ’s love through genuine and caring relationships.
- Be the hands, feet, heart and mouth of Jesus Christ for people who are suffering or marginalized.
- Empower every member to discover God’s call and their gifts to serve God.
- Offer Spirit-inspired worship that challenges, teaches, transforms, and energizes to go out and serve.
- Open doors and hearts to all people, and build relationships modeled on God’s love.
- Maintain healthy systems with a clear mission, fiscal responsibility and accountability.