What We Do
Our churches are involved in ministry within their own neighborhoods, in partnership with each other across the presbytery, and in partnership with other congregations and faith groups. We come here from East and West and North and South to serve, worship, and celebrate God’s amazing action that has called us together.
Our Core Ministries
- Become and form disciples by putting on the heart of Christ to address social issues.
- Evangelize by showing Christ’s love through genuine and caring relationships.
- Be the hands, feet, heart and mouth of Jesus Christ for people who are suffering or marginalized.
- Empower every member to discover God’s call and their gifts to serve God.
- Offer Spirit-inspired worship that challenges, teaches, transforms, and energizes to go out and serve.
- Open doors and hearts to all people, and build relationships modeled on God’s love.
- Maintain healthy systems with a clear mission, fiscal responsibility and accountability.