Our Partners & Affiliates
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has more than 1.7 million members in more than 10,000 congregations and worshiping communities answering Christ’s call to mission and ministry throughout the United States and the world. Six agencies comprise PC(USA): The Office of the General Assembly, The Board of Pensions, the Presbyterian Mission Agency, The Presbyterian Foundation, The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program.
Synod of the Mid Atlantic
The Presbytery of New Hope is one of fourteen member presbyteries that make of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. The synod is the governing body that has oversight of the life and mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) within a specific geographic region that includes at least three presbyteries. Synods are regional in nature, enabling the presbyteries within their region to discover, design, and implement ministries that are common to the area. Depending on a number of things, including population and the number of churches in the region, a synod’s boundaries may be one or more states. When the synod meets, its members include an equal number of ministers and elders elected by its presbyteries. The Constitution spells out 20 specific responsibilities of the synod that fall into two general categories: those relating to its member presbyteries and those relating to the General Assembly.
Milner Commons
In 2020 Milner Memorial Presbyterian Church was in the midst of a difficult decision of whether or not to dissolve. With membership on the decline, it was important to the members of Milner Memorial that the land, donated by Henry Herman Milner in 1953, remain a place where serving the community was celebrated. After much discussion, it was decided that the congregation would dissolve, and the land would revert to the Presbytery of New Hope with the understanding that it would be used for affordable housing for seniors of modest means. To be completed in 2024, Milner Commons will provide 156 units of affordable housing for individuals aged 55+ of modest means. The 4.6-acre site will be developed into 156 units in two buildings with a mix of efficiency, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom units. All of the units will be affordable to seniors earning less than 60% of the area median income, 10% of the units are reserved for seniors with incomes of 30% of the area median income or less, and another 10% are reserved for persons with disabilities or formerly homeless transitioning to permanent housing. This community and resurrection story wouldn’t be possible without many key partnerships, including DHIC and Brightspire.

The Gathering Place Ahoskie
The former home of First Presbyterian Church in Ahoskie has now found a new purpose as The Gathering Place, a ministry of the Christian Women’s Job Corp. A four-year lease is in place between the New Hope Presbytery (landlord) and the CWJC (tenant) and all remaining church funds from FPC Ahoskie have been transferred to New Hope Presbytery. They are being held by Presbytery for support of the CWJC’s work at the site in accordance with the memorandum of understanding (MOU) completed by the Ahoskie Commission. In accordance with MOU, a committee with be designated by Presbytery to monitor the relationship between the CWJC and the Presbytery. Throughout North Carolina, in various settings and types of communities, CWJC is bringing hope for a brighter future: Empowering women and men in need by providing resources to help them move from dependency to self-sufficiency. Along with Bible study, Christian mentors are a critical part of the program. Participants gain practical life skills, self-respect as they provide for themselves and their children, and assurance in the knowledge that God loves them. Read more here about the new ministry and mission of CWJC and click here to read more about the history of FPC Ahoskie.