Healthy Boundaries
Healthy Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of New Hope, the Commission on Ministry, and the Healthy Boundaries Team announce a new online healthy boundaries/clergy ethics training called Safe Gatherings.
This training is required as per our Book of Order, G-2.0603, G-2.1002, G-2.1103, G-3.0106. Safe Gatherings is an easy 1.5 – 2-hour online course. Participating in the training helps to care for your church, your staff and volunteers, and the people you serve to provide safer environments. The Safe Gatherings course provides training that focuses on the top ethical issues for those that lead churches and faith-based organizations.
If you fall under one (or more) of the following categories, you are required to take this training every 36 months.
- Teaching Elder (ministers)
- Pulpit Supply
- Stated Supply (even if you are retired)
- CRE and QRE
- Certified Christian Educator
- Children and Youth Director
- Ruling Elder actively serving on Church Session
- Inquirer and Candidate
- Other church staff as determined by the church leaderships
(See G-2.0603, G-2.1002, G-2.1103, G-3.0106 and Presbytery of New Hope Commission on Ministry manual)
The training costs $29. If paying this fee presents a difficulty, please contact
Once you click on the link below, you will be able to set up an account with Safe Gatherings to access the training. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate that you should keep in your personal files.
Click here to take the Safe Gatherings boundary training.
Questions: Contact