124th Stated Gathering of the Presbytery of New Hope
Excused Absence-Minister Members of New Hope
Commissioner Handbook/Meeting Materials
Display tables must be reserved in advance. Please Contact Shauna Villela at svillela@nhpresbytery.org.
Elder Commissioners
- An orientation session is held for first-time commissioners the morning of the presbytery gathering.
- View a report listing the number of ruling elder commissioners assigned to each church. Click here for Elder Commissioner Report.
Childcare is provided at all in-person presbytery gatherings. You may request childcare when you register to attend online. Families are asked to please prepare a lunch for their child. Contact the host church directly if your child has allergies and provide an appropriate snack on the day of the gathering.
Lunch Information
Lunch will not be provided during the Stated Gathering on March 29. Please bring your own lunch and a drink.