Committee & Commission Descriptions
- Campus Ministry Committee (CMC) Responsibilities include allocation and financial oversight of financial resources to the 5 campus ministries connected to the Presbytery, enabling and encouraging the campus ministries to work and to meet, and promoting and advocating campus ministries in the Presbytery. Meets 2-4 times per year on a schedule that is established at the beginning of the year by the committee. Useful skills: love of young people, passion for campus ministries, financial sense, organizational skills, and advocacy skills.
- Church Development and Evangelism Committee (CDE) Responsibilities include supporting new church startups and providing opportunities for churches to deepen their commitment to evangelism. Meets bi-monthly at 10AM on the 2nd Thursday in Jan, March, May, Sept, and Nov. Useful Skills: knowledge of 1001 New Worshipping communities, an openness to new forms of ministry, and interest in exploring new models of church for the 21st century.
- Commission on Ministry (COM) Responsibilities include oversight of Supply and Temporary relationships, approval of Pastoral calls, oversight of Commissioned Ruling Elders, oversight of congregations without Teaching Elders, visits with Sessions and Pastors. Members serve on one subgroup: Conflict Transformation, Healthy Boundaries Training, Ministers at Large, Interim Ministry, and Transitional Ministry. Meets on 2nd Wednesday monthly except April, August, and December, usually in White Memorial education building. Two meetings annually are held east and north of Raleigh. Useful skills: knowledge of PC(USA) polity, experience with churches in transition.
- Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) The committee guides and supports Presbytery members who feel called to serve as Teaching Elders. The process includes the individual’s development from Inquirer to Candidate ready to receive a call by meeting Book of Order and Presbytery requirements. Meets on the 1st Thursday monthly at White Memorial education building and other brief regional meetings, as needed. Useful skills: knowledge of PC(USA) polity, knowledge of CPM manual, being a good listener.
- Coordinating Body (CB) Responsibilities include coordinating the mission and program of the Presbytery, offering leadership by setting broad, overall Presbytery goals, serving as Trustees and legal officers of the Presbytery, approving plans for Presbytery Gatherings, providing leadership through proposals and/or recommendations to the Presbytery as well as its committees and commissions. Meets monthly from 1:00-3:00 on the 3rd Wednesday except the months when a Presbytery Gathering is held. (February, July, and October) Useful skills: Past experience on Presbytery committees or commissions, commitment to the mission and work of the Presbytery.
- The Disaster Assistance Team (DAT) is focused on Readiness and Recovery. The team advocates advanced planning for member churches for natural and man-made disasters believing that written and communicated disaster plans are essential. If a disaster strikes, the team acts as an interface with state and local authorities and with the national Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Agency to coordinate volunteer efforts and also request funding to assist affected communities. The team meets periodically at called meetings and through phone and video calls.
- Examinations and Transfers Sub-Committee (ETSC) This sub-committee of COM is charged with examining candidates for ordination and Teaching Elders who are transferring into New Hope Presbytery. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at White Memorial PC except on the 1st Tuesday of a month that begins on a Wednesday. Useful skills: knowledge of PC (USA) polity, familiarity with Reformed theology.
- Finance and Property Committee (FPC) Responsibilities include a proposed annual Presbytery budget, oversight of Presbytery funds, investments, debt retirement, and expenditures, and oversight of management of properties under direct control of Presbytery. Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month from 10:00-12:00 in Feb, April, June, Aug, Sept, and Nov. Useful skills: financial management, accounting, real estate, legal background, business operations management.
- Nominations and Representation Committee (NRC) Responsibilities include identifying individuals to serve on Presbytery committees and filling vacancies as needed. Representation function seeks to intentionally include racial/ethnic minorities in service and leadership roles. Meets 3-4 times per year, or more if needed. Useful skills: knowledge of Presbytery committees and commissions, broad knowledge of Ruling and Teaching Elders in the Presbytery.
- Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) Responsibilities include offering guidance for remedial or disciplinary cases that come before the Presbytery. Meets at the call of the Commission Moderator. Useful skills: knowledge of civil and church law, conflict resolution.
- Personnel Committee (PC) Responsibilities include annual personnel reviews, proposed salary schedules for Presbytery employees, and compliance with Presbytery personal policy. Meets quarterly at the Presbytery office or White Memorial education building. There is no set meeting date. Useful skills: personnel or HR experience, knowledge of PC (USA) polity and Presbytery personnel rules.